Mobile Legends Freya Guide: Mobile Legends Tips

The Mobile Legends Freya character is one of the top fighters in the game. Her specialities are Chase and Damage, and she is recommended as a Side Laner.

There’s a specific strategy you can use when playing as her, which we’ll show you with our Mobile Legends tips.

Early in the Game

When you start the map, head to the lane at the top and start killing minions on your way to the enemy’s turret.

There’s a chance you might need to fight off a Tank or a Mage, but try to avoid them at this stage is possible. Instead, battle any jungle beasts or opponents that are alone to increase your skills. If you need some support, look for allies in the middle lane.

Middle of the Game

At some point in mid-game, you’ll unlock a second skill that will increase your attack speed. Use this ability to join the other damage dealers, and head to an enemy turret in an attempt to steal it.

In Mobile Legends, Freya is exceptional at killing while camping, so makes use of this trait. You’ll unlock Savage and Maniac, which will help you annihilate the opponent players in a team fight.

End Game

When you reach the final stages of Mobile Legends, Freya should not lead the charge. Instead, the Tank fighter should head into the lead to take as much of the hits as possible.

While the opponents are facing off against your Tanks, take some opportunities to lunge some attacks at them from the side. The best recommendation is to target their Mage or Assassin.

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Fight from the side or upfront

When it comes to fighters, you can certainly win if you’re playing with the Mobile Legends Freya hero. She has some excellent passive and active skills, while there are a few magic abilities you can use.

It boils down to what build you have and planning your attacks for the right moment. Remember to talk to your team so they can advise you when to take the offensive and go all out, or to hide in the bushes.